CEU Catholics and Public Life Seminars

The Catholics and Public Life Seminars are a joint initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists and the San Pablo CEU Foundation.

The Catholics and Public Life Seminars arose from the success of the Catholics and Public Life Conference which has been running since 1999 in Madrid.

On the motion of many of the Conference participants and attendees and with the aim that the spirit of the Conference find presence in different cities in Spain, it was decided to organise the Seminars along a similar line. Thus, the first Catholics and Public Life Conference was held in the city of Córdoba in 2006.

Seminars take place on two levels: the academic and the intellectual. Speakers have an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, and what is discussed at the conference is complemented with life testimonials from individuals, normally from the local area.

Contact Information

  • Director
    Rafael Ortega
  • Secretary
    Lourdes Lora Valles

+34 91 514 05 87, Fax: +34 91 514 04 32

Despacho 2.5.3 - EPS. Universidad CEU San Pablo - Campus Montepríncipe, 28925 Alcorcón (Madrid), España.

[email protected]

Further information on the Catholics and Public Life Seminars website:

Visit Web