CEU Companies

CEU UNE was born of our belief in the benefits of promoting dialogue and knowledge transfer between the world of business and university. This project aims to offer added value to companies and society in general.

Through joint research projects, professorships, R+D programmes, sponsorship, volunteering and other collaboration models, organisations can gain numerous advantages. Assistance with CSR policies in organisations, commitment to attracting talent and developing future generations and gaining tax advantages are some contributions that can improve the positioning of companies.

The University and the Company have a multitude of possibilities that are worth exploring together, training and talent need meeting places, which we provide here.

Services to companies


Both Company and University should understand training as a matter of collaboration and should work together to maximise benefits and meet the needs of both.

Our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are delivered by professionals that transfer their knowledge by bringing the company into the lecture hall.

Students and past students have the benefit of tutors and mentors that facilitate their development through competency training programmes and professional mentoring.

Find out what is needed to develop training programmes tailored to companies


CEU University and educational centres offer a multitude of research projects and solidarity and volunteering projects that organisations can incorporate into their CSR policies.

This encourages employee commitment and, at the same time, supports the training and development of future generations.

Promote commitment to society and support training and development


As an educational group, we understand that generating knowledge through research and transferring that to society requires the support of institutions and companies.

Our institutes, centres and research groups (many of which have a clear international vision), the numerous extraordinary professorships promoted by external entities and joint projects with other institutions and public or private financing, are all good examples and confirm a clear commitment to collaboration between the university and the business world.

Corporate support is required for research and for transferring research knowledge to society


One of CEU’s aims is to contribute to the advancement of society through activity in the public arena. This is why disseminating and releasing information on collaborations with institutions, organisations and companies is a fundamental area when it comes to understanding our relationships.

All our communication channels (press offices, web pages, publishers, TV producer, etc.) are aimed at publicising what we do to improve and have a positive effect on the world around us.

All of our communication channels are available for providing information on collaborations with companies