Knowledge no longer resides in one sole location; instead it is transmitted globally and loses relevance in a short period of time. In this sense, conventional education, where the teacher transmitted the current snapshot of a profession, no longer suffices. A student-centred environment of continuous learning has to be created that allows students to continue learning and developing throughout their lives. It is a question of developing a system in which the most important thing is not the accumulation of knowledge but is about the person's attitude, values and approach to continuous development and, thus, being receptive to any scientific, technological and concept changes that arise in the future.
At CEU we support a dynamic teaching style and two-way learning. We want learning to be self-driven and this is why we provide students with an education that is critical and responsible where the development of transversal competencies such as leadership, self-motivation, communication skills or management of emotions are considered key aspects.
We want our students to be honourable, tolerant, respectful, empathetic, hard-working, responsible and caring. We run humanitarian activities and campaigns through social entrepreneurship projects and we teach about the moral values of Christian humanism.
“Passion for discovery, innovation and creation is one of the characteristics and attractions of university life.”
The current higher education system under the Bolonia plan process redefines the roles of students and lecturers. Lecturers are no longer mere transmitters of knowledge but also advisers that help and guide students in learning life skills.
Our mission is to develop the next generations of professionals in accordance with global market demands and the values of the Institution.
The personal and professional growth of our students is the essence and cornerstone of our model.
CEU is strongly committed to innovative teaching approaches and excellence, based in real contexts that combine practical, multidisciplinary and multicultural experience. This focus which integrates knowledge, skills, attitude and values means that students become involved in their own development and learn from their experience.
The new higher education context requires knowledge but also individual training in a wide range of competencies that not only include skills but also attitudes required for professional growth.
Skills development, such as team management, innovation and entrepreneurship constitute the core of our work.
Through its Research and collaboration with various academic and business organisations CEU aims to lead the way when it comes to new Organisational Behaviour requirements and continue to be a centre of reference in understanding organisational leadership and in the search for new ways to develop this.